Word Proposal Templates
Word is Microsoft's word processing program. Word is part of Microsoft's Office package. It also includes other programs such as Excel, Powerpoint, and in some cases Outlook, Microsoft's email program. It's not surprising that Word is used to make proposals. Documents can be beautifully formatted and designed. And to make it easy, Word has several templates (also called templates or sample files). These templates are available for countless purposes, including proposals. Microsoft Word offers a variety of proposal templates. After downloading a template, they edit it and save the document under a chosen name, mostly in PDF format. However, you can also choose to create a proposal template yourself. That's explained below.
Create a Proposal Template or Proposal Template in Word
There are multiple ways to create templates. Usually, the preference is to work from a blank document. This one builds into the desired format (e.g. address block, proposal number, date, salutation table, rates table, closing). Once the proposal base is ready, it can be saved and saved as a template:
- Click the File tab
- Choose Save As option
- Click the Browse button
- In the Save As box, select Word template (*.dotx)
- Enter the correct file name in the “File Name” box
When preparing a new proposal based on the proposal template created, the file is retrieved as follows:
- Click the File tab
- Choose New option The template is under the Available or Custom option.
- Click template Word opens a new document
- Create the proposal and save the document preferably as pdf file (File — Save As — .pdf). The template itself will remain unchanged, you can use it over and over again.
Attentions when creating a proposal template
It is important, as stated in the introduction, to make a good impression with a proposal. New, potential customers (prospects) are looking for points that give them support and trust. Therefore, don't make a proposal template too standard. Working with fixed text blocks has advantages, but are not automatically suitable for every proposal or prospect. On the other hand, text blocks containing product descriptions or information about the offering party can be used well and save a lot of time.
Within a sales team, it is advisable to make someone responsible for managing proposal templates. Everyone is not supposed to be able to modify the template document themselves. The branding and branding should, after all, remain intact. That is why it is important that an administrator is appointed. Isn't it possible to appoint an administrator? Then choose to set restrictions on template editing and formatting. In that case, select Restrict Edit from the Developers menu. After the restrictions are selected, select Yes, start security enforcement. Finally, it is also possible to secure parts of the template. To do this, choose Select Sections from the Edit Restriction panel.
It's also important that the proposal templates are managed in a central location. This can be done with a Cloud service, for example. By storing templates in the Cloud in combination with good Document Management Software (DMS), sales teams can easily and quickly access all templates. Additionally, the administrator can make changes for everyone once. This way all templates are always up to date.
Alternatives to Create Proposals in Word
A faster and perhaps better way than Word is to create proposals with online proposal management software. For example with Offorte. Apart from being impressive, it saves a lot of time. This online proposal tool allows you to set up the structure and design once and use a library that stores favorite texts and parts. In addition, this tool has multiple functionalities, providing insight into the sales process and boosting sales. In the detail view of each proposal, everyone can see how often and when a proposal has been viewed by a prospect or customer. This makes follow-up actions much better timed. This tool integrates with over 1300 apps via Zapier, but can also be connected to external systems using an Application Programming Interface (API), with the goal of achieving better workflows using proposal automation. To conclude as this article started, unlike proposals made in Word, Offorte provides contemporary interactive presentations that guarantee a (first) good impression.