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Trending: inspiring proposals in which customer experience is central

How do you convey experience in your proposals? How do you respond to the preferences or desires of the customer or his target group? And how do you make your company stand out as the best? It's time to share the most important secrets for inspiring proposals with you.

Inspiring business proposals

Customers have a high standard when they choose who to partner with. Conversations and proposals are then important parts of this process. Price is no longer the deciding factor. Added value, solution orientation and customer experience all the more. Especially the customer experience, because it inspires and makes people positive.

Customer experience = revenue growth

Those who focus on the customer experience will see their turnover grow significantly. KPMG's Global Customer Experience Excellence Analysis shows that companies that offer their customers the best experience generate as much as 50% more revenue. Plus 50%! And the great thing is: it is within everyone's reach. Insight is all you need. If you immerse yourself in the customer, you will learn so much interesting information.

A heartwarming example of customer deepening and experience is the missing giraffe at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. A family came home to find out that their son's cuddly giraffe Joshie had stayed behind at the hotel. Upon inquiry, it turned out that the giraffe was already at the reception. To reassure his son so that he would fall asleep that night, Dad asked if she would send a photo as proof so that he could say that the giraffe wanted to have a little longer vacation. The Ritz-Carlton immediately got to work on it, but decided to go the extra mile. An employee photographed the giraffe at various locations. Pictures popped up with Joshie poolside, behind the wheel in a golf cart and two cucumber slices on his eyes waiting for a massage at the spa. The father, who was deeply impressed by this, wrote about it and the response was overwhelming. So you see, that an extra step can yield a lot for little money. In this case image enhancement, engagement and new guests.

Giraffe vacation in the Ritz

In addition to sales and loyalty, customer experience offers you great opportunities to distinguish yourself as a company. Successful companies therefore invest in digitization and technologies to provide a tailor-made customer experience and to anticipate changing expectations and needs. Reason enough to focus on customer experience. On your website, in your branding, customer service, during conversations, presentations and… in your proposals.

Make personal and inspiring proposals

Getting a customer often starts with gathering important information. You collect data about the prospect or his target group. Your conversation partner nods approvingly because he sees that you understand your business, but beware, you are not there yet. You don't have a signature yet. Now it comes down to your proposal. What can you do so that the customer chooses your proposal? Right: offering a personal and inspiring offer.

You make your proposal personal and inspiring by, for example:

  • the use of the name of your conversation partner and his or her organization
  • using the correct tone and words
  • citing remarkable statements from the conversation
  • adding examples and / or successful cases
  • enhancing and energizing visuals

Inspire with visuals

Visual content is remembered up to 60% better. Companies therefore spend a lot of time and money on visuals, for example in the design of their website. They research what their target group identifies with, see what they respond to the most and then let this be reflected in the design and other elements. And with success! So why shouldn't we do the same for proposals?

This is the chance to stand out from the crowd. Surprise the customer! Choose an infographic instead of a regular graph with your proposal. Offer your customer a nice instruction video instead of a bulky manual. You will certainly exceed his expectations. Imagine what that does to the approval process!

Examples of inspiring, activating visuals are:

  • sensory-stimulating photos
  • recordings of virtual tours
  • story videos with emotion-enhancing music
  • videos of customer experiences
  • videos with work processes
  • animation videos
  • showing employees who will support the customer
  • infographics that quickly clarify certain topics or trends
Present yourself creative

Present yourself in a creative way

Ha, another great opportunity to leave the competition behind. Present yourself and your company through a combination of personal and business information. People like to do business with people and are therefore interested in the faces behind a logo.

Make a nice overview of the employees at the customer's disposal. You can let the employees briefly tell you something about themselves or interview them during a virtual tour. This is guaranteed to grow confidence.

Explain a complex product or service? Have an animation video made that tells a story. A story in which, for example, the positive effects of your product or service are clearly visible.

Also very inspiring: a surprising opening. For example, start with a statement, a true story or a metaphor. Make sure that you always create a new introduction, tailored to the customer. If you think from the customer's point of view, choose a form that suits you, your company and your customer, then it will be all right!


You may be wondering how you can do all this (and in a short time). Fortunately, we now have very smart programs for that. Online proposals tools that make personalization and inspiration a breeze. With an online proposal tool, you can quickly and easily create the most beautiful and inspiring proposals. Every time, for every customer and every experience.

Gabriëlle de Sain

Gabriëlle de Sain

- Proposal Writing


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