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3 reasons to finally start with online proposals

Is this a shameless advertising blog for Offorte? No. No, because I'm genuinely satisfied with it. So satisfied, in fact, that I've been writing blogs and articles about and for this tool for over four years. In addition, in this blog (note: figuratively), I go with my butt bare. So, read on and find out why I should have started with online proposals much earlier.

3 reasons to finally start with online proposals

New stuff

By nature, I have a bit of resistance to new things (read: mainly systems). When Windows came out with version 10, I was overwhelmed. I had once looked at it with a colleague and didn't like the interface. Of course, the resistance came from uncertainty. I didn't know it and didn't know about operating systems anyway. What I did see were doomsday scenarios and a lot of discomfort. I was just used to working in Windows 7, it was routine. So why change everything? It only takes time. But we didn't have much choice. Out of sheer desperation, I asked my husband and ICT geek to change the look and feel to look like the Windows 7 menu. Yes, it was that bad. I thought so too and started reading more about it. After that, I still didn't know much about operating systems, but understood the benefits of the new version. Of course, I've been used to it for years, I'm less resistant to new versions and, just for the speed of startup, I would never want to go back. This is also the case with proposal software. And that is exactly why I am sharing this with you.

Proposals in Word

Like many other entrepreneurs and sales professionals, I made my proposals in Word. Proposal ready? Make it a PDF and mail it to the customer. Easy as pie. I ignored ads with online proposal tools. Right up until my business coach got me thinking. We talked about digitization and I mentioned proposal software. In my view, proposals are a crucial part of the sales process. It's an extra opportunity to show your added value to a prospect. But digital proposals... Isn't a PDF good enough? My coach says: “Good enough, is that what you want to convey to your future customers?” Good point, coach. For the next 14 days, I tried Offorte (free).

From good enough to optimal experience (reason #1)

A world opened up for me. In particular, the ease with which you make beautifully designed proposals was almost overwhelming. No matter how hard I tried in Word, this surpassed everything. My proposals went from good enough to an optimal experience. The possibilities that this online proposal tool offers! No more formatting problems, proposals look professional and entirely in your own corporate identity. Psychologically, such a proposal immediately gives you an advantage in the brain of prospects.

Let me take you through the structure of proposals and how Offorte helps you with that:

  • Cover page; very easy to create with a visual that, for example, shows the successful future and what your service or product contributes to; so your prospect is a little closer to the yes button.
  • Introduction, summary, proposal or advice; you can also use images here, and the great thing is that regardless of the length of your text, the aspect ratio is maintained.
  • Planning; ready-to-use and therefore no hassle with inserting tables.
  • Rates; thanks to the interactive price tables, you immediately have upselling options and the prospect can also choose what appeals to them most.
  • Cases and testimonials; position your company through videos and/or infographics, for example.
  • About us; introduce yourself, good for confirmation or as an introduction, because your proposal can also be reviewed by third parties.

An online proposal saves time (reason #2)

Remember what I said about Windows? Turning everything around only takes time. Well, anything but! Okay, the first setup and creating your basic template or template takes time. After that, all you have to do is focus on the content and rates. After all, you get the rest from your 'library'. This is where you store your proposal items. Paragraphs and visuals for certain services or products, the about us page, etc. That saves you an incredible amount of time!

By the way, close the deal too. The proposal can be signed digitally. So no more signing the printed version, scanning it and emailing it back. You're doing yourself, but certainly your customers and prospects, a big favor with that!

More than just making proposals (reason #3)

The Offorte tool gives you an overview. You can immediately see which proposals are still in the pipeline and if/how often your proposals have been viewed. Do you work in a team? Then everyone has all the information and statistics at their disposal, from contact details to proposals made. Team or individually: this guarantees to increase your performance and the success rate of proposals.

Good proposals make the difference

Good proposals make the difference. That's why you should write clear texts that are easy to read and suit the customer or prospect. Make it an attractive and professional experience. The Offorte tool helps you with that. You get the content, Offorte the rest. So don't waste your time and just try it out. Trust me, you don't want anything else after that!

Gabriëlle de Sain

Gabriëlle de Sain

- Proposal software


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