How can I get the personalisation tags to work?

A number of things are important when using the personalization tags. A personalization tag is replaced with the real customer and contact data. You can find the list in the proposal editor> action menu at the top or in the proposal sending screen.

If you use one of these tags in your proposal (or email) it will be replaced by the real data. This way you can be sure that you never have the wrong contact name in your proposal and your data is always up-to-date.

Some conditions for the tags to work are the following points:

Your proposal needs one or more contacts, you can assign them in the proposal details or on the proposal sending screen. If you have not yet added any contacts, the personalization will indeed not work and you will see the tags in the preview. As soon as you have added one or more contacts to your proposal, the personalization will work and you will not see any tags in the preview.

The personalization tags are only filled in if the contact and the people actually have completed fields. So if you use {contact_phone}, but the contact you are sending the proposal to has not entered this, there is no data to enter. It is therefore important to provide the contact with the correct data.

In the proposal preview, the data of one of the contacts is used for preview. The tags will be definitively filled in as soon as the proposal is sent and the customer opens it (not via short management).

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