Connect your crm and apps to Offorte with Zapier
With Zapier it is possible to easily connect different systems without the need for technical knowledge. For example, you can link your CRM to Offorte. Or post a message in Slack if there is a response to a proposal. Or maybe you want to fire a confetti cannon if a proposal is approved :)
There are links with more than 1300 systems, including: Teamleader, Pipedrive, Salesforce, Slack, etc. There is a free subscription and you have more options with paid subscriptions. For more information, visit
Getting started
To link Offorte and Zapier you naturally need a Zapier account and an Offorte premium account.
Steps in Offorte
- Login to your Offorte account
- Go to settings> integrations
- Click on the Zapier integration tile
- A popup will now appear containing the Client ID and Client Secret. Copy this data and keep it in a safe place. You will need those details in Zapier
Steps in Zapier
As an example we have the following scenario: you want to receive a message in your Slack messenger as soon as a proposal is won.
- Login to your Zapier account
- Create a new Zap with the button "Make a Zap"
- Choose the Offorte app
- As the trigger, select "Proposal Won" and continue
- Zapier is now asking you to connect to Offorte. On this screen, enter your Offorte account address and also the Client ID and Client Secret that you just copied from your Offorte account. Be careful not to copy spaces or other characters.
- Now go through the next steps in which you log in to your Offorte account, give Zapier permission and test the connection
- Add the Slack app and choose "New message posted to channel" and go through the desired steps here as well. Among other things, you now have the option of using fields from the relevant Offorte proposal in your Slack message.
- Turn on your new Zap when Zapier requests it
- Congratulations you have now linked Zapier with Offorte and as soon as a proposal is approved you will receive a message in Slack
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